The Power of Long-Term Thinking

It's always better to regret something you did, than something you didn't do.

If you want to be a good leader, you'll need to embrace the power of long-term thinking. There are a lot of things clamouring for our attention in the modern world, and it's easy to get drawn into making decisions based on what's right in front of you, risking losing sight of the impact of those decisions on the future.

So why might we want to develop this capability? Taking a long-term thinking approach not only helps us navigate future challenges but also lets us make decisions with empathy, integrity, and sustainable success in mind.

In this article, I'll explore the significance of long-term thinking for improving your leadership and give you a simple process you can use to improve your decision-making.

What do I mean by long-term thinking?

Taking a long-term perspective is really about planning and making decisions that prioritize future benefits over immediate gains. It's about looking beyond the horizon and considering the enduring impact of our actions. This approach can also help you enhance your patience, resilience, and foresight...and goodness knows we all need patience to be an effective leader...!

By focusing on the long-term, you can evolve your mindset to be more strategic and compassionate. This perspective helps in creating a vision that not only drives success but also considers the well-being and development of the people involved. It's about building a legacy that stands the test of time, rather than solely chasing quick wins.

The Human Element of Long-Term Thinking

If you've read my articles before you'll know that I bang on about considering the human impact of your leadership. Long-term thinking is not just about business strategy; it's fundamentally about people. When we think long-term, we make decisions that foster strong relationships, trust, and ethical behaviour. This approach encourages us to:

  • Enhance Empathy: By considering the long-term impact of decisions on team members, we can make more empathetic and supportive choices.

  • Build Strong Relationships: Focusing on long-term goals helps us nurture deeper, more meaningful connections with colleagues and stakeholders.

  • Promote Ethical Decision-Making: Long-term thinking often aligns with ethical choices, as it requires considering the broader consequences of our actions. Take the example of implementing more sustainable business practices - sure, it might be more expensive in the short term but the long-term impact is likely to be huge.

I imagine winemaking requires a lot of long-term thinking

A Long-Term Thinking Process

Here's a simple process to follow when considering a significant (or even not-so-significant) decision:

1. Project Yourself Forward into the Future

Imagine yourself several years down the line. What does the business look like now? Where are you as a leader? Consider the potential outcomes of your various scenarios. This mental exercise helps to shift focus from immediate pressures to future benefits. Visualize where you are as vividly as you can.

2. Look Back on the Decision

Now that you're in the future, look back on your decision. What does it look like with the benefit of hindsight? How does it hold up? Does it mesh with the values and objectives you’ve set for yourself? This perspective shift helps you evaluate the long-term impact of your decision, offering a clear view that transcends immediate gains or pains.

3. Ask "Will I Regret Not Doing This?"

As I said at the beginning of this piece, regret is born not from the mistakes we made, but from the chances we didn’t take. By contemplating potential regrets, you can better balance the risks and rewards of your decision. What would this future look like if you chose one path or the other?

4. Act Accordingly

Now that you've considered what future you would think of this decision, you're well positioned to move forward. Keep that guiding vision in mind and you'll head in the right direction.

Of course this doesn't mean you shouldn't make adjustments as required, but when you get to an inflection point, consider repeating this process to see which might be the best path to follow.

Overcoming Challenges

Adopting a long-term mindset is not without its challenges. Immediate pressures, changing environments, and urgent business needs can all distract from long-term goals. However, there are ways to overcome these obstacles:

  • Balance Short- and Long-Term Goals: Integrate short-term actions with long-term objectives. Keep that vision in mind and ensure your actions are moving you in the right direction.

  • Stay Flexible: Be prepared to adapt your long-term plans as circumstances change. The one thing that is guaranteed is change so make adjustments as needed.

  • Build a Support Network: Surround yourself with people who share your long-term vision and can provide support and accountability. This network can help you stay focused and motivated.


Long-term thinking can be a powerful tool for effective leadership. By adopting this mindset, you not only position yourself to navigate future challenges with greater resilience and foresight but also cultivate an environment of empathy, integrity, and - with a bit of luck - sustainable success.

This is a fairly simple approach for you to try to integrate into your leadership practice. Give it a try and see how you get on. As always, experiment and learn from your results.

Good luck!

When you're ready, I offer 1:1 coaching for leaders who are looking to take their life and career to the next level. Send me an email and we'll set up a time to have a chat.

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