Learn Something New
I am a terrible sketch artist. But I do it anyway.
Over a recent weekend I was fortunate enough to join the incomparable Leni Wildflower and Cindy Miller in training a group of new coaches in the fantastic Knowledge Based Coaching curriculum.
The first part of this training consists of a weekend where, with a few signposts, they are given the opportunity to start learning how to be an effective coach. They are very much put in at the deep end, as the best way to learn this particular skill is to get on and try it. The group of incredibly talented participants took to it with aplomb, and an enriching learning experience was had by all.
What has this got to do with my awful drawing skills you might ask? Well, I have been a photographer for more than 20 years - all of the photos on this site are my own, for example - and recently I decided to try a little bit of drawing. I like the tactility of pen and paper, particularly as most of the rest of my life involves electronic equipment of some variety.
Learning something new activates different parts of your brain - whether it's a new skill for work, like taking coaching training might be, or simply for pleasure, like my attempts at art. It's not importat what you do, but I think it's important that you learn something.
The coaches that we worked with over the weekend have embarked on a six-month journey that, if they follow through and complete the course, will result in them being able to become International Coaching Federation accredited coaches. For some of them the motivation is to consolidate and build on existing skills. For others it's the start of an exciting new career. And for more it's a powerful skillset to help with their current role.
One of my favourite photos from last year - a view of the valley between Whistler and Blackcomb mountains, from the Peak to Peak gondola, BC, Canada
Do Something New
Do training related to your job.
Do training unrelated to your job.
Learn a musical instrument. Learn to draw. Do yoga. Learn to rock-climb. Take a dance class. Go to a wine tasting.
Expanding your experiences in any part of your life will have a positive impact on all parts of your life.
Why am I telling you this? Because I want you to experiment and try new things. Many of my articles over the past months have included ideas of things you could do that might improve your leadership, your ability to delegate, your time management, your communication, or your search for and onboarding in a new job.
How many times have you looked at ideas from other people and thought 'that would never work for me'?
I want to encourage you to experiment more. Try things and fail - and remember that every failure is a lesson. Maybe you try something new and don't enjoy it - fine - you've learned something. Maybe you try something else and it works, even if you didn't think it would.
If you are going to create a future for yourself that is better than you can imagine, you are going to want to explore, experiment, and try new things.
So tell me, what new thing are you going to try this week?
When you're ready, I offer 1:1 coaching for leaders who are looking to take their life and career to the next level. Send me an email and we'll set up a time to have a chat.
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